Whether you’re new to R&D Marble or you’ve been with us for a while, we want to wish you a happy Thanksgiving! It’s time to take time off work, enjoy a great meal, and spend time with your family. What are you thankful for this year? Here’s what the team at R&D is celebrating this Thanksgiving!
R&D Marble wants to wish you a happy Thanksgiving! Here’s what we’re thankful for this fall. #beautifulstone #RDMarble #Thanksgiving Share on X
Our Valued Customers
We love getting new projects to work on and customers to work with throughout the process. Thank you to those who take the time to leave us a review after working with our team. We’re grateful for your business and hope you’ve had a great experience at R&D Marble. To all of our social media followers and blog readers, thank you!
Dedicated Team Members
Our knowledgeable team members are always quick to respond to customer needs, whether it’s in the showroom, over the phone, or at the installation site. Without their hard work and dedication, we wouldn’t be able to run R&D as well as we do today. Thank you for being friendly to each patron and helpful on every project!
New Projects & Designs
At R&D Marble, no project is too big or too small. We’ve had lots of great bathroom renovations and revamped many kitchens this year, along with ADA tub/shower installations and other custom countertops. We’re grateful for the new designs we’ve had the opportunity to work on and projects planned for the future.
Pro Tip: Engineered stone countertops are very easy to clean, making them suitable for big families after Thanksgiving dinner!
Grateful at R&D Marble
As the holiday season begins, we hope you can take the time to be with your loved ones and enjoy Thanksgiving. Those of us at R&D Marble look forward to helping you make this busy season an enjoyable one!